Retro reindeer ornaments on parade float christmas tree
With our last full week over, we are now onto our final week! Currently have less than 5 days to finish!! Week 5 consisted of securing everything down onto the trailer bed, fun decorating, painting the deer, and starting to light everything.
Pink reindeer nearing completion for the float
Good thing we are almost done, because my cat Marzipan ate our build schedule.
Cat ate my homework
I am obsessed with these LED matrix lights I got for the van. The parade was a good excuse to buy them!
Eye lights for the van
Objects being secured onto the trailer
Amanda from Paint Your Poison made these signs for our float
Liz lighting the tree
Mom lighting the candy house
First test drive with the van and trailer!
The float did really well for the first test drive. There were a few minor issues we need to secure down better, but we think it should do well for the parade. We are hoping for good weather, but as of now it’s questionable. We are confident things should hold up and have some thin plastic drop cloth to throw over everything while it’s in the staging area for a few hours before the parade if it rains.
We still have a lot to do! We have to attach all the large cardboard ornaments to the side, finish the lighting, have the QR code signs made, add a lot of finishing touches, etc! I also need to get info out about when our float cat be viewed in the staging areas if people want to stop by and see it up close. Other tasks I need to do are update my website for the new incoming traffic, and think about how to sell off our reindeer and trees when it is over!
See you Friday!
(If you are looking to donate, please send money to @artofadrienne on Venmo or Cash App. You can also send money to on PayPal. Write “float donation” so we know what it’s for!).