Shrooms Update



My Meowshrooms, Eyeshrooms, and FUN Guys are now complete! I need help figuring out what cities to hide them in!  I have 7 entries total for Game of Shrooms 2021! Tod Parkhill and I collaborated on the one in the second picture 🙂 members will have a prime shroom reserved and a post with all of the shroom locations for easy hunting! I also posted close ups of all the shrooms there. Other perks include weekly updates with photos and content I don’t post anywhere else, a yearly snail mail gift, and the good feeling of supporting a local artist!

Game of Shrooms by Art of Adrienne
Fun Guys by Adrienne Gelardi
Fun Guys by Adrienne Gelardi

Keep an eye out for hints right before or on June 12th!

Here is a map of all participating artists in the ENTIRE WORLD :