Stormy Miller: A Budding Contemporary Artist and Day Dreaming Space Cadet
Self described day dreaming space cadet kid, Stormy Miller, is a blossoming contemporary artist working mainly in oils and still finding her style. While she is still growing as an artist, her art is always full of color and life. “I have only been painting for a few years. I am still searching for my “one style” to define me. I think every time I try a new technique I learn and grow. I want to be an artist who can do anything.”
Stormy grew up in Dalton, Georgia which has influenced her choice of subject matter. Animals, flowers, nature, old trucks, and a dilapidated gas station have all made their way onto her canvas via bright colorful oil paints. “Dalton is a small town in Georgia with a good mix of farm, country, and city life. I get my love of animals and my imagination from my upbringing. I was definitely a day dreaming space cadet kid.”

By the time you reach young adulthood you are well aware that your parents mean well, but sometimes you should take their advice with a grain of salt …but sometimes your parents and 100% right like when my mom told me I should be wary of eating fresh prepared foods without washing them first as they will probably give me the upset gutty whuts–I spent all of last weekend doing potty cartwheels. In Stormy’s case she feels like her parents lead her a bit astray when it came to choosing a career. Her parents tried to guard her love of creating artwork from being spoiled by making it a source of income. “I remember winning art shows as a child but never thought of pursuing art. My parents motto was “never do what you love for a job because it will become a job”. I kept my talents locked away in a sketch book. I took my first continuing education class 3 years ago and learned how to breathe life into my drawings with oil paints. I realized my parents were wrong. This is what I want to do, this is my passion. I have been painting since.”

Miss Miller is currently focusing on her painting career and growing as an artist. She has even began offering painting parties in Atlanta where she currently resides. By offering painting parties, Stormy will certainly be inspiring other new up and coming artists in the same way that one of her favorite artists has inspired her. “Earnest Varner was an Oil Portrait teacher that really inspires me to keep painting. His work is brilliant. He is very realistic and shows what you can do if you are willing to stick with a project for a long period of time. He teaches patience pays.”
One of the pieces she is most proud of is due to the learning process she struggled with while working on it. “It was my very first oil painting I ever attempted and I was so disappointed at first. I thought I did a terrible job mostly because I didn’t understand the medium and I was frustrated it would blend and not define. I actually did a great job and never gave up. It is a piece that shows that you can do anything if you really want it.” Can I just say that this is why I’ve shied away from oils as well? As an artist I like to create definitive lines even though I like seeing artwork that isn’t as illustratorly as mine!

Esther Barend is an artist that stormy admires who has artwork in galleries all over the world. “Esther Barend does amazing portraits with her unique twist on top. It inspires me that I can still paint the realism I love and add a little extra design to make it unique.” Until now, I actually have not heard of Esther Barend, but I urge you to look at her work because it’s really unique and wild! Although Barend is from Eindhoven, Netherlands –Stormy finds this same fresh originality running in the streets of Atlanta where she currently lives. “I love that the artists here paint whatever they like and they don’t stick to trends. People like unique and what does not have a box store feel. It really allows you to truly be yourself.“

Ten festivals this year — that is a pretty large goal that Miller has set for herself (I would be having an anxiety attack if that was me)! “I am planning on doing several large festivals around the Atlanta area. My goal is to do a minimum of 10. My first 2 day festival is Artapalooza in Sandy Springs on April 21st -22nd. I am also working my way into local museums and galleries to help me promote myself as this is my first year as an official artist.” When it comes to her painting projects, she already has plans for her next one as well “I really like the fluid art projects that are trending. My next project is to try and paint some ocean scenes of realistic life on top to add some of my personal design and flair.” Fluid art is is gaining popularity on social media most likely due to the mesmerizing videos where artists pour liquidy paint or resin onto a surface and use different techniques to blend it. My favorite artist that I’ve personally come across doing this is Stephanie Walberer from Germany (AKA Mrs. Colorberry) who makes realistic geode paintings out of resin and crushed crystals.
Despite her name being Stormy, this girl is a positive breathe of fresh air in an art world full of terrible grouches like me! “I am actually a very happy high energy person. I think that transfers to my work. Each piece is a new experience and I want people to feel the joy that I feel.” Please support Miss Stormy Miller in her art career by following her on Instagram (@stormymillerart), checking out her website (, viewing her Fine Art America profile, and sharing this article!